Presented by VTIFF and Shelburne Museum
A selection of short animation films produced by VTIFF’s Executive Director Orly Yadin while living in London. Most of these films are animated documentaries – an approach to the telling of true stories and facts pioneered by various women animators in the 1980s. Orly will introduce the films and be there for the post-screening Q&A.
Blind Justice
A selection from a 30-minute series of 4 short films about women and the law, based on real court cases in the UK, 1988 – Produced by Orly Yadin
Someone Must Be Trusted
Directed and animated by Christine Roche and Gillian Lacey
7 mins 26 secs
An opera in 3 tragic acts, portraying different aspects of discrimination against women – at home, at work and in the courts, through use of music and humor
Some Protection
Directed and animated by Marjut Rimminen
10 mins
Based on the true story of Josie O’Dwyer, who was jailed for “her own protection” after being raped as a teenager. Using Josie’s own voice as personal commentary.
The Stain
Directed and animated by Marjut Rimminen and Christine Roche, produced by Orly Yadin
Inspired by a brief newspaper story about suicidal octogenarian twins. Uses a variety of animation styles to spin a claustrophobic web of incest and intrigue. 1991, 11 mins
Written and Directed by Orly Yadin and Sylvie Bringas
(Short-listed for the Academy Awards)
Animated documentary about a little girl holocaust survivor and her learned and self-imposed silences. 1998, 11 mins
Treasure – Animated 26 part series
Co-produced by Orly Yadin
Satire about a teenage girl as perceived through her mother’s eyes
Episode 3: The Little Black Dress
2001, 10 mins
The screening will be followed by a reception (light food fare and cash bar). This event is in preparation for the museum exhibit Shortlist: Animation Today and is the first of two programs showcasing women and animation. The second program focuses on animation directors from Vermont and Québec on March 22.
Space is limited and early booking is recommended