Poppy Field

Sunday, October 17th, 2021
2:45 pm - 4:15 pm
Romania | 2021 | 81 min | Romanian w/ subtitles
2021 VT International Film Festival
Film Type
Early Bird: $10/$5; During Festival: $12/$6; Virtual: $12
Main Street Landing Film House
60 Lake Street, 3rd floor
Burlington, VT

Get Tickets Festival Pass

Eugen Jebeleanu
 Film Movement

Also showing:
Sat, Oct 9 | 4:15 pm | Savoy
Tue, Oct 19 | 10:00 am – 11:59 pm | Virtual ​| Geoblocked to VT

Tickets are on sale now for Members and Pass purchasers and will be on sale to individual ticket purchasers at 10am, Wednesday, September 29.

Cristi is a member of the Bucharest police force, which is sent to quell a protest at a local movie theater where a far-right group has interrupted the screening of a queer film. This police drama manages to subtly focus on the damages of societal homophobia while at the same time illuminating both the positive and corrupt aspects of the police buddy system. Tightly shot and edited, the film has moments of tension that cause discomfort, with many of the scenes portraying the internal struggle of Cristi, played superbly by Conrad Mericoffer.  An excellent example of the Romanian New Wave aesthetic, Poppy Field is an illuminating film about the destructiveness of open secrets.  ~Orly Yadin