News & Notes — ‘Seth Suggests’ at the Fest

Contemporary Color
David Byrne & Co. get their collaborative ya-yas on in this exuberant performance film, featuring St. Vincent, tUnE-yArDs, Ira Glass, Ad-Rock, and more. Smells like team spirit in the best possible way.
Sixty Six
Artist Lewis Klahr’s stop-motion collage is a one-of-a-kind offering, as aurally fascinating as it is visually, merging high art and pop culture with wit, ingenuity, and a heavy dose of pulp.
Under the Shadow
An excellent slice of maternal horror from Iran. Great, ratcheting tension and serious scares – with interesting cultural commentary to boot.
Sand Storm
Assured, compelling Israeli drama set among the Beaudoins. Packs a punch – and the sting lingers.
Kiki / Viva
A dragtastic double-feature on Friday the 28th. First Kiki, a documentary that follows in the platformed footsteps of Paris Is Burning, and then Viva, an arresting Havana-set drama featuring rivetingly fierce performances.
Cronenberg on Clozapine. Gorgeous cinematography and plenty of beguiling what-the-fuckery. Beware the starfish.
The Triplets of Belleville
A wonderfully charming animated film screened at the Flynn and scored by a live orchestra? Yes, please.
Political Animals
‘Tis the season. During a year of fraught political campaigns, this award-winning doc offers a refreshing look at four elected officials – all trailblazing badass lesbians – who fought the good fight, breaking barriers and, just as dynamically, shaping landmark legislation. Senator Carole Migden will attend the screening.
Seth Jarvis is a member of the festival programming committee. In addition to working for VTIFF as the education and outreach coordinator, he is also a performing and teaching artist, writer, and director.