Anne at 13,000 Ft.

Thursday, October 14th, 2021
10:00 am - 11:59 pm
Canada | 2021 | 75 min | English
2021 VT International Film Festival
Film Type
Early Bird: $10/$5; During Festival: $12/$6; Virtual: $12

Virtual Ticket Festival Pass

Kazik Radwanski
Cinema Guild
Consulate General of Canada in Boston

Also showing: Tue, Oct 12 | 2:15 pm | FH

Tickets are on sale now for Members and Pass purchasers and will be on sale to individual ticket purchasers at 10am, Wednesday, September 29.

The only time Anne (Deragh Campbell) doesn’t feel like she’s in free fall is when she’s literally skydiving from an airplane. An anxious and reactive person, Anne has undue difficulty coping with everyday social and professional obligations. She invites animosity from her coworkers at a daycare center. She subjects her romantic partner to increasingly awkward situations. Her volatility has her forever chafing against the bounds of acceptable behavior. The film’s subjective handheld camerawork locks the audience into the rollercoaster ride that is Anne’s personality, but the portrayal is never cheap or exploitative. Canadian filmmaker Kazik Radwanski’s direction is full of sympathy and humanism, and Campbell’s performance is extraordinary in her ability to endear the audience even as she repels those around her. ~Travis Weedon