Scratchatopia Animation Workshop

Sunday, October 30th, 2016
11:00 am - 12:15 pm
Film Festival
Main Street Landing Atrium
60 Lake Street
Burlington, VT

Scratchatopia Animation Workshop with Steve Woloshen

Showtime: Sunday, October 30 | 11:00 a.m. | Atrium

Festival favorite and internationally renowned animator Woloshen returns to VTIFF with a special animation workshop. Young and old alike can explore the joys of camera-less filmmaking and discover new tricks and techniques along the way. Participants are encouraged to choose materials and tools, and then scratch, paint and collage directly onto the surface of clear leader, black leader or previously shot material! The goal of this exceptional workshop is to explore, play and take risks with animation. All results will be digitized and viewed publicly on the day! See Woloshen’s website: