The Wound (Inxeba)
Directed by John Trengove
South Africa/Germany/Netherlands/France | 2017 | Fiction | 88 min | Xhoas/Afrikaans/English w/English subtitles
Film Source: Kino Lorber
Awards and major festivals: Berlin, Sundance
Also showing Sunday, October 29 at 1:00PM
Using a coming-of-age ritual as its setting (a Xhosa rite involving circumcision and an eight-day fast), The Wound examines ideas of masculinity and queer identity, simultaneously depicting two aspects of South African culture rarely seen on screen. After the circumcision in the wilderness, during the time the wound takes to heal, the boys are sequestered from society until their manhood is thus proven. Inevitably, personal and sexual insecurities come violently to the surface. The film has proven controversial in South Africa, and its creators released a statement revealing that cast members had been threatened because of their roles in the project, including threats to burn lead actor Nakhane Touré alive. Although ostensibly about remote, minority practices, the film speaks universally about how once-traditional notions of masculinity can grow increasingly toxic in the hands of those who cling to outmoded ways rather than accept that things have changed. ~OY