Einstein’s Miracle Year
Documentary Animation | 2015 | 5 min
Director: Jon Portman
As the year 1905 began, Albert Einstein faced life as a “failed” academic. Yet within the next 12 months, he would publish four extraordinary papers, each on a different topic, that were destined to radically transform our understanding of the universe.
The Fairies’ Child
Fiction | 2015 | 19 min
Director: Victoria Vaughn | Writer: Annelise Sanders
Years after the death of her father, Emilia Evans is drawn back to her childhood home, where she discovers the fairies she thought were once just a dream are deathly real.
mens rea
Experimental | 2015 | 7 min
Writer/Director: Celina Brogan
An experimental short film about a young woman who attempts to wash away the guilty conscience she has begun to lose herself to. In its essence, “mens rea” embodies the message: “To see ourselves, to own our truths, to continue moving on.”
The filmmakers will be present for a post-screening Q&A. Special thanks to Ben & Jerry’s for sponsoring the VT Filmmakers Showcase and to the Vermont Arts Council for supporting our work with Vermont films.