Directed by Daouda Coulibaly
Mali | 2017 | Fiction | 95 min | Bambara/French w/English subtitles
Awards/premier festivals: New Director/New Films
New England premiere
Also showing Monday, October 23 at 2:00PM
Daouda Coulibaly’s assured and suspenseful film, with excellent characterization and a meticulous script, belies the fact that this is a first feature. Set in Bamako in 2007, against a backdrop of rising fundamentalism, the film has universal resonance. Ladji, a 20-year-old man, works hard as a prantiké (bus driver) to get his older sister, Aminata, out of prostitution. When he doesn’t get the promotion he was expecting, he decides to contact a drug dealer who owes him a favor. This “Scarface in Mali” film portrays a culture and a country that have been underrepresented in film. ~OY