Made Here

Made Here Film Festival
The annual Made Here Film Festival (each year in spring), is New England’s only competitive festival devoted entirely to films made by filmmakers of New England and their neighbor, Québec.
It is a co-production between VTIFF and Vermont Public.
MHFF is free to the public but donations are encouraged because a portion of your donations will be shared with the filmmakers.
The next festival will take place April 10-14, 2024. If you are a filmmaker from the Made Here region, you may submit your film on FilmFreeway from Jan 1, 2024
Le Made Here Film Festival (chaque année en printemps), est le seul festival compétitif de Nouvelle Angleterre entièrement dédié aux films de cinéastes issus de la Nouvelle Angleterre et de leur voisin, le Québec. Vermont Public et Maine Public sont nos partenaires. MHFF est gratuit pour le public, mais les dons sont encouragés en fonction des moyens de chacun, une part des dons étant reversée aux cinéastes.
Le prochain festival aura lieu 10-14 avril, 2024. Si vous êtes cinéaste de la région de Made Here, vous pouvez soumettre votre film ICI à partir du 1er janvier 2024.
Read the 2022 Filmmaker bios!
And the Award Winners are: GABOR and PASSION IN A PANDEMIC – co-winners of the Vermont PBS Award for Best Documentary; THE NOISE OF ENGINES and BABATOURA – co-winners of the Penny Cluse Award for Best Fiction; TYPE CAST – Class Four Award for Best Cinematography. GREEN KNIGHT – winner of the Media Factory Award for Audience Favorite. Special Jury Mentions go to: SCARS; EXPIRATION; THE PRICE OF SAFETY
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Flip through the Festival Brochure or download the PDF
In-Person Schedule has ended
Virtual Showings have ended
In-Person Schedule
Festival Staff
Steve MacQueen, Executive Director
Orly Yadin, Made Here Film Festival Director
Gail Clook, Associate Director
Olivia Milens, Administrative Support
Oliver O’Sullivan, Marketing
Anne Linton, Production Design
Ben Portway, Info desk
Joe Whery – website
Thank you to the festival business and community sponsors shown below, and, for hospitality support to: Lucky Air BnB, A Single Pebble, Alliance Française of the Lake Champlain Region, City Market Onion River Co-op, Lake Champlain Chocolates, Twincraft Skincare, Todd Lockwood, Jennifer Rangnow, Don Schramm & Barbara Nolfi, Greg & Megan Epler Wood, Olivia Milens, Valerie Hird, Lewack-MacDonald family, Tom Avenia & Dirk Van Leeuwen, Ben Portway & Joe Wehry, Janet Biehl, Brian Ortelere & Gretchen Santamour, Christine & Lee Hauslein, Ryan Chartier, Arnie Malina, Theresa Hyland and Rick Stoner, Joey Corcoran, Dan Higgins & Jane Kramer, Orly Yadin & Bob Summers, Ryan Dunleavy, Carol Hanley & Bunky Bernstein.