Monthly Movies from VTIFF and MNFF streaming November through May – online and on your smart TV
Split/Screen was launched in November 2020 as a curatorial collaboration between VTIFF and the Middlebury New Filmmakers Festival [MNFF] to jointly present a monthly series of films with alternating curating months. Each monthly program lives for 10 days.
Passes and Tickets:
May Passes and tickets are available from May 7 HERE!
Split/Screen Monthly Passes are $40 [watch all the films for that month] and individual tickets cost $12.50 (including online fees).
*** Note to VTIFF Patron and Friend members: Patrons will continue to benefit from free screenings, and Friend members will continue to benefit from 11 free screenings p/year through other films in VTIFF’s Virtual Cinema offerings.
All Split/Screen film screenings are published on both the VTIFF website and on the MNFF website and you may browse the schedules from either site. To see an online brochure of the February program click HERE
Playing this Month
None today but check future eventsTo view the May series go to watch.middfilmfest.org.
The 4 films are viewable either by purchasing a monthly Pass, or through individual ticket purchases. The viewing window each month is 10 days for all the films on offer.